Title: Switched Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby Rating: MA15 Summary: a series of unforeseen circumstances, leaves the Doctor in Rose's body and Rose in his AN: ^.^;
Title: Switched Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby Rating: MA15 Summary: a series of unforeseen circumstances, leaves the Doctor in Rose's body and Rose in his AN: ^.^;
Title: Switched Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby Rating: MA15 Summary: a series of unforeseen circumstances, leaves the Doctor in Rose's body and Rose in his AN: This chapter asks the big question of... If Rose drowned the Doctor while he was in her body, would it be considered suicide or homicide?
Title: Switched Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby Rating: MA15 Summary: a series of unforeseen circumstances, leaves the Doctor in Rose's body and Rose in his AN: Before you even ask... yes, he does go there.
Title: Switched Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby Rating: MA15 Summary: a series of unforeseen circumstances, leaves the Doctor in Rose's body and Rose in his AN: Even more crack.
Title: Switched Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby Rating: MA15 Summary: a series of unforeseen circumstances, leaves the Doctor in Rose's body and Rose in his AN: Even more crack.
Title: Switched Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby Rating: MA15 Summary: a series of unforeseen circumstances, leaves the Doctor in Rose's body and Rose in his AN: Pretty much a crack!fic that came to me today while at work.
Title: Switched Author: RamblingRose / irishlullaby Rating: MA15 Summary: a series of unforeseen circumstances, leaves the Doctor in Rose's body and Rose in his AN: Pretty much a crack!fic that came to me today while at work.